Sleeping Beauty
In Sleeping Beauty perfect world she falls in love with a gentleman
One which she sees as her king
A gentleman brave enough to kiss her to save her
He saved her from eternal sleep
She was carried and placed in a beautiful bed
Where she slept for days or weeks waiting for her kis
When her king finally arrived He kissed her
When he kissed her she woke up from her deep sleep.
Her eyes opened widely once more she got up.
She said to him, My deart love you've rescued me
He replied Of course I'll always protect you my love.
She blushed and gave her king a real french kiss.
Everyday which passes by is a day close to that kiss
A kiss full of passion one which will last
A kiss to remember forever.
Every describe emotion which triggers the occurrence of a relationship brought the two together.
The two desire eternal love
Love which is not found with ease.
A true love like this is one of a kind.
A kind of love which occurs often in a life time.
A lifetime full of unexpected reencounters.
Reencounters which occur for a special reason.
A reason which exist for a purpose.
A purpose which has a meaning.
A meaning in which has a signifience
A signifience in which defines the value of love.
An emotional context spoken in every language
A language spoken in every dialect language universally
Love is a language shared by expression
A kiss is just the beginning of a love story.
A story waiting to be read and told.