Love Poem: Slow Boat
Unseeking Seeker Avatar
Written by: Unseeking Seeker

Slow Boat

With God our guide, we gently glide
Cognisant of the life current
On a joy ride, with love inside

Life dignified, thoughts bona fide
Ego decadent, soul vibrant
With God our guide, we gently glide

Bliss throb within, never subsides
Unveiling soul luminescent 
On a joy ride, with love inside

Nonjudgmental eye, none we chide
Softened attention, acceptant
With God our guide, we gently glide

Heart open wide, why would we hide
Emoting loving sentiment
On a joy ride, with love inside

Erect is our stance, bold our stride
Unhurried about our ascent 
With God our guide, we gently glide
On a joy ride, with love inside
