Slow Love
The first time I saw you I didn’t feel a thing
Then from a distance voices started to ring
Then your face was all my dreams could bring
I flew high but I crushed with a broken wing
No more flying just a voice your name to sing
Hush! That smile like the waters of spring…
I barely noticed the first time we spoke
But now I know your voice is my smoke
I need it everyday even when I am broke
Without it my head slows and starts to knock
I need to call you to feel that electric shock
A smile left on my face “stop it!” I mock
I barely noticed the first time I touched your face
But now your presence makes my heart race
It’s like my mind is no longer in its place
The damage you do to me is of high price
For your beauty makes me pale like cooked rice
The smile you have kills me for it’s so nice
If one day you ever give me a chance
I won’t dare let you go even once
You will rest on my chest as we dance
I will be that pillow when your tears glance
You being the princess I will be that prince
Happiness will be defined by our presence
When am with you time goes so fast
When am with you I am at my best
I can look at you forever without rest
Hurting you will never be on my list
You are not my first but you are surely my last
I promise you that you and I will last……..