Love Poem: Slow Seduction
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Written by: Unseeking Seeker

Slow Seduction

Slow seduction, caress in renewal
All nodes within, dancing in elation
Flow of bliss currents within, toroidal
Enlivening the void of cessation

Soft tingling touch, attracts our attention
Along an energy loop ovoidal
The play divine, a tease of attraction
Slow seduction, caress in renewal

We write not, this delightful parable
As mere receptor in resonation
Accepting birthing of Gods miracle 
All nodes within, dancing in elation

We simply follow, love throb sensation
Making not complex, what is so simple
Moment to moment, in celebration 
Flow of bliss currents within, toroidal

Within cave of the heart, is our temple 
Non-judging, radiating compassion 
Love divine sublime, vivifier spacial
Enlivening the void of cessation

Timeless is, the purring bliss duration
Stretched, heightened bliss delight cognisable
Becoming thus, our orientation 
As is-ness of being-ness, factual
Slow seduction 
