Small Moments
Echoes of laughter penetrate my reflections
Reminding me of the loneliness that exists
Amid shattered memories and lost dreams
When I awakened to a family that was gone
Lifted from the earth to walk along those
Streets of heaven, where I will someday walk
Feet beating out a dance of loving wisdoms
Hailing those beloved people I’ve missed for these
Many years of living on earth and witnessing
Other families coming and going, alive and well
Seeking the warmth that flickers with fires
Of intimacy and inspiration, insight into faith
Where secret visions soar, unheard and silent,
Reaching through the pains and struggles
To light up like diamonds in the darkest night
Vibrations of hope puncture my whispering
Musings, painting hues of sparkling desire
Through my passionate spirit, my tender
Feelings, flowing crimson through veins of
Serenity and joy, yearnings for the day when
I, too, will reach this place called heaven
Where I will meet the One who has known
Me all along, known my heart, soul and spirit
Known the family that I miss so desperately
And long for, with a hunger that threatens
To consume my very soul with its ache for
The small moments when I knew them best
In the places that come back so easily, the
Dinner table and the breakfast feasts of omelets
That left us filled with more love for each other
Than the nutrients of eggs and meat, sustenance
Thriving floods of hope seasoning the meals
And peppering of love awakening the heart
To know that God himself graced our table
With His kindness and compassion, His touch
Moving us all to know the closeness of family
With stirrings of faith in the Father leaving us
Alive with the assurance that God will lift hearts
Who have lost the small moments to death
Leaving shadows of darkness threaded through
The light that enriches the heart with pure love
In the small moments… I find eternal peace