Tell me name of just one, who bored by beauty?
Eyes have a job to do, let them go over
Smitten! No issue if your heart is clear!
Admiring eyes and beauties made for each other…..
Beauty is life’s that wow factor, always occupy
Heart and mind and pace these in one row together
Such is marvel of creation, once you dive into it
You are lost, lost in its secret scenic chamber……
Beauty is to enjoy, enjoy to the heart’s content
Diligent work of creator, you never forget
Ravish not if not coming your way
Powerless always you are, only an iota in creation
Better make yourself worthy, to win the heart
Heart of the beauty, nature’s best creation...
Smitten! No issue if your heart is clear!
Open your heart, open your mind
Spell binding is effect of beauty
If your heart is clear, enter the front door
No back door entry! After all, getting grace of beauty
Self worthiness, that what’s matter!