Smoke and Shadows
Sometimes that string of love words settles down
On the mirror of my heart like smoke,
That I blow away with a deep breath!
He stands next to me as a real mass of flesh and bones
Yet remains light years away,
Like an unearthly God to be won in penance!
He follows me everywhere like the benevolent sun,
And warms up my whole breath and being,
That remains far forever though!
His gaze falls bright upon my soul like a full moon,
My identity but merges with shadows,
That remains unseen, unknown to the world!
His presence is like a beautiful, billowing cloud in the sky,
Whose body cannot but be held;
That remains a shape only as an illusion!
Contest name:2022 Poetry Marathon Mile 26 Poetry Contest
Sponsor: Mark Toney
Date of Submission: 1/28/2023
His tender love flows like mellow tones of an instrument,
Filling up every nook and cranny of my heart;
Sometimes obscured by the clamor though!