Love Poem: So Many Struggles, So Little Time
Gerald Dillenbeck Avatar
Written by: Gerald Dillenbeck

So Many Struggles, So Little Time

Why does "sacrilegious"
mean struggling against sacred health experience
rather than struggling with re-ligioning monotheistic divinity
to notnot dualling polytheistic dividity?

How could prodigal sons and daughters
struggle against their prodigy potential,
yet not struggle with our prodigious potentiality?

When would a wealthy natural spirit
struggle against healthy spirituality
rather than struggle with nondualistic spirit/nature?

Which reminds me,
why does human nature
mean struggling against nature
rather than struggling with articulating integrative humane races
within and toward co-arising nature?

Where does contentiousness
suggest warring against contentment
rather than wrestling with not not appositional content?

How did death-defying economic reassurance
land on "life insurance"?

Who thought mental dis-ease
could not be compatible with mental ease
merging overdue internal v external
ego/eco-integral conversations?

Why isn't anger management
more importantly compassion development?

How could eco-normative cooperative evolutionary transactions
have become climate dislogical monochromatic competition
to store nutrients in safe deposit boxes
where they become detrimental risk of loss
with inevitably unsafe-able hoarding death?

If wealth elation
predicts relations
predict resilient correlations
then why not evolution
predicts revolution
predicts resonant eco-revolutionary systems
emerging regenerative love of EarthTribe health?

If bilateral past-future time co-gravitates,
then why wouldn't bicameral love/anger Left
with dipolar light integrity/dark fear Right
dialectically re/de-generate?

Why would a natural eco-spirit inductive-recessive
notnot nondually co-evolve 
a spiritual ego-natural deductive dominant?

If mythic creation stories of why we live
articulate dualdark logos dipolarity of how we purgatively die
while living within a WinWin naturally regenerative,
and unitarian Earth-Home-Universe,
then how are not all cultural nurturances
both universal-ego and unitarian-eco natured?

How could a healthy integral, integrative re-ligion
re-syncing bicameral verb
become such a toxically divisive 
universal anthro-supremacist noun?

Why couldn't Earth nurture DNA nature
ecto/endo-symbiotically dipolarizing nurturing love
integrity as positive-regenerative
is not disintegrative degeneration?

Why isn't bilateral Time
spelled "Tao"
refined by AnthroMind/EarthBody-reiteratively progressive 
co-passionate Ego/EcoPresence?

Why are polycultural languages and values and political economies
A. to emerge polypaths
toward regenerative ecologos of bilateral co-arising global polyculture,
guilds and cooperative networks emerging nondual revolving Time,
as SunGod rises with prodigious Earth-hope sacred imagery
B. yet nocturnally arrests with prodigal Anthro-suffering secularity,
jonesing about lonely hope
invested in restoring EarthJust systemic health
as one more dusk of passing 
life's disincarnate memory.