So Much For Your Happy Ending
Who would have thought it would end this way,
Me on the phone in total dismay.
How it happened I still don't know,
But I do know it was harsh and cold.
You told me you didn't love me anymore,
That hurt so bad I fell to the floor.
I know you were angry, but I don't know why,
But when I heard that I started to cry.
What you said couldn't be right,
Because you said you loved me every night.
So now that it's over and I'm a wreck,
My heart is broken and can't be fixed.
At least I was happy for nine months,
I loved you and still do.
How could you do this to me?
You live five hundred miles away.
And didn't have the guts to say...
It was over when I didn't live so far away.
One day I'm coming back,
So you can see how much you screwed up leaving me.