Love Poem: So you say

So you say

I try so hard to be good enough 
I follow all that you say 
So you say the past is in the past 
But at the end of everyday you still see me the same way
You told me that the past would stay in the past 
But the past isn't in the past cause you won't let it
I've started to build a wall between me and you 
Cause I can't bare to keep looking at you 
Seeing you will only make me lose the love that I have left for you
I know I did wrong 
But I've learn and changed 
But all that I do just seems to just go to waste 
So you say you love me
Well then why can't you accept the new me 
Why can't you leave the old me behind 
And let us live our new lives
So you say this 
So you say that
All that you is nothing but trash