Soar Under Unity
birth, blessing, children, first love, love, romance, time
Pluck a petal
Pluck a bloom
Bloom denotes love
Bloom will choose
Choose your mate
Choose a marriage
Mate for love
Mate for life
Life builds relations
Life mates two
Relations are quickened
Relations are besotted
Besotted with another
Besotted through time
Another love knotted
Another for all time
Timed to the end
Time to outlast
End it coupled
End in death
Death offers hope
Death comes reunified
Reunified in heaven
Reunified in name
Name your time
Name that game
Time will tell
Time forsaken
Forsaken if unmatched
Forsaken to divorce
Unmatched in heartbreak
Unmatched in life
Life made perfect
Life for lovers
Perfect for them
Perfect for children
Children are born
Children need love
Born from parents
Born from love
Love is priceless
Love is earned
Priceless but attainable
Priceless but gifted
Gifted in shares
Gifted to winners
Soar in takes
Shares for unity