Soar Up High My Darling
I stand here waiting for a bus
that goes to Beachy Head
my life is over; I have no life
my heart so full of salty tears
for yesterday love went away
how could he after all those years
We met when I was sweet 16
and he was 3 years more
a precious day I treasure still
as love came knocking on my door
Together we journeyed through the years
with so much laughter and some tears
our lives together had ups and downs
we were lovers, pals and pioneers
exploring the nooks and crannies of life
our love grew even stronger
the years together so precious now
we thought we had forever
My love why did you have to leave
on such a sunny day
my darling dear I loved you so
why did you go away
but cancer is the cruellest beast
it eats you bit by bit
and once the monster takes a hold
so rarely can you stop it
Such pain endured though never a cry
now you are pain free and flying high
and my reason for going to Beachy Head
not to jump like troubled souls before
but to catch a glimpse of your precious soul
as it flys up high and begins to soar...
Written on 06 October 2018
Written for Contest I stand here
Contest Sponsor Craig Cornish
Written on 06 October 2018
Contest Brian's Choice F
Sponsor Brian Strand
Contest Name Final Call Of NAs Your Most Meaningful One
Sponsor Chantelle Anne Cooke