Sobbin Goblin World's Problem
Our world be amiss, is without love’s kiss
love’s way is narrow, hard for mind to find
sacred heart is bliss, has narrow’s love’s kiss
pray the world will awake, from the mind’s fake…
Love is absolute, the mind gives not a toot
says let us prop it up, lets us lust sup
authoritatively assumes love’s loom
like a night Loon whistling it’s gooney tune…
You say what’s the answer to world’s problem
it is caused by concepts of mind’s cobbling
ever you listen, when love offers kissing
am I brother’s keeper, precept deeper…
Concepts assuming love precept’s power
this be world’s problem, `tis the mind’s goblin.
Life system is love, must come from above
and by the sacred heart, love must depart…
Precept is absolute, `tis mind’s keeper
keeper of imaginations weaker!
Where shall it end, at precept love’s begin!
Many be of the world, death’s reverse swirl…
Mind’s concepts bestow the worldly logic
sacred hearts bestow Spirit love’s logic
when mind assumes paranormal project
mind still tries to use it’s worldly logic…
First connect the mind to the heart, then start
paranormal armor, your love’s karma
love the absolute, mind is a lust coot
cares not for moral, loves strife of quarrels…
My answer to world’s problem is simple
concepts have become festering pimples
are separate and apart from love’s kind
mind’s problems of love would align in time…
Keep our concepts, all those devils in line
or our concept devils will forever whine
accusing our brothers of sins intertwine
brothers are fine, it’s our concepts that’s lyin…
God bless our darling hearts and inept minds
let us search within reigns of sacred hearts
bringing the two together, birds of feather
let precept love reign, twill end concept’s pain!!