Social and Antisocial Capital
like a good creole stew,
are amazingly viral cooperators,
competitively so,
reacclimating tastes toward richer anticipations.
We have all heard of social capital
and natural capital,
of social democrats as antisocial plutocrats
and cooperatively-owned capitalist corporations,
including bipolar republics, perhaps.
These are all forms of regeneratively healthy intent
to further cooperatively nurturing ecopolitics,
as contrasted to degenerative antisocial trends
toward further climate and landscape reactionary pathologies,
alien-fear and patriotic anger incensed,
darkly nurtured.
For example,
early Christians believed the death and resurrection of their loving Messiah
reincarnated within their own cooperative nurturing hybrid communities
would regeneratively inoculate them
from a jealous YHWH's apocalyptic
revolutionary climate changing war
against those who killed His divine-humane hybrid.
Now, within Christian cultures some two millennia later,
saying one does not believe in following Jesus
has become equivalent to not believing in the superior power of love
over degeneration.
Such climate health denier claims have become both internally contradictory,
and self-defeating,
Earth-denying in a larger capital cooperative sense
of climate change as internal/external cooperative health emergence.
For example,
you might have heard:
I don't believe that cooperative WinWin ecopolitics
could ever become more resonant and robust
than continuing WinLose militaristic capitalism.
And yet,
whether you have faith in cooperative regeneration
as more robust than competitive degeneration
does not change the evidence of evolving history,
beginning at Empty
and climate developing toward fully Interdependent,
diastatic revolutions,
flowers and their next-regenerative seeds,
their creolizing-democratizing potential,
within Earth's moist humus,
as revolutionary eco-messianic events,
evidence of God's radically accessible love
overpowering dehumanizing competitive de-capitating
God-killing wrath
about our own mortality,
and the daily humiliations of ego competitions largely not conclusively won,
growing mistrusts,
dying thorns among redolent roses.
Climate change
is about both climatic degenerative trends
and climate regenerative nurturing possibilities
for politically cooperative global and individual peace
with ecojustice,
economically ecological.
climate change is about apocalypse
and critical-crisis revolutions
within ecopolitical patriarchal
and political-economic domestic matriarchal
harmonious choices and ballots of reiterative discernment
over dis-harmonious debates and competing ballistics.
saying we do not believe in this revolutionary end
to LeftBrain competitive EitherWin/OrLose dominance
is oxymoronic.
LeftBrain dominance is the capacity and odds and ends of language to speak active trust,
to admit ambivalent mistrust,
to declare unredemptively active distrusts.
LeftBrain Might-Makes-Right-And-Bright v WrongWaste
doesn't care if you believe in its dominating history,
every time you continue feeding yourself
and your children
with your dominant right hand
your LeftBrain actions speak
your oxymoronic confusion of hybrid ecopolitical praxis.
It is as if your right hand
is not aware of what your less socially nurtured left hand
is not doing
as equivalently
as nutritiously
as capital-invested
Eschatology and revolutions
millennialism and global and even personal climate crises
are all about social-natural cooperative nurturing re-investment,
extending out,
healthing our Golden Capitalist MindBody Rule,
to love YHWH-Tao and MotherEarth as oneself
is to cooperatively nurture capital investments
in doing to and with Earth's matriarchal womb
as we would have all other interdependent capital life-forms
and forces
and flows
and ecosystemic bilateral hybrid functions
bow namaste with regenerator us.
Patriarch Yang-Sun
and Matriarch Earth-Yin
co-evolved their cooperative nurturing Golden Rule,
EcoSystemic Harmonics,
long before divining humans came along
to evolve our LeftBrain capital-dominant sacred scriptures
speaking re-creation experiences oft-retold, then written,
of climate pathological degenerations
and revolutionary climate ecotherapeutic regenerators,
diastatic flowers co-mentoring post-revolutionary creolization,
social nurturing capital re-investments.