They always say you can't be beautiful
Without being skinny as a stick
But damn it society I want to be seen and I want to be...
beautiful in my own way
Before the blood drips on the floor
from the scratches in my arm
from the pain inside my heart
don't you understand
You're making this too hard on us
us girls with a little extra weight
us girls with bumps on our face
just shut up I'm sick and tired of this
This shouldn't have to be my fate
I don't want to die to be seen and heard
to be recognized as someone beautiful...
But isn't that the only way?
When a society you thought you knew is telling you that you can't be beautiful
without having to fit some social standard
that's bull*****don't you understand
That's why so many teenagers are dying every day
I want to be pretty
without having to change
is that too much to ask
I want to be loved
without having to change who I am!
By a girl instead of a man
Let me live my own life
stop telling me that I can't!
Society you're killing us all
making us take our life because you all can't understand
that being who you are is what makes you beautiful
But we have to take a knife to our throat
to make you all see
the beauty inside of us
Can't you let us be.
I want to be beautiful...
but I just don't know how
when everyone around me
is telling me how to live
Make this stop
This pain and suffering
Let us all be equal
A whole
No more hurt
no more sorrow
no more suicide
Just make it stop...