Soft Blue Light
soft blue light
surrounds me
as I walk
down the hallway
I blink
my weary eyes greet
shadows on the wall
a stillness
a nothingness
but a refrain
the piano playing
distorted notes
removed from myself
I let linger
my mind’s eye sees
work started
a factory
is never complete
senseless motions
but it is torn down
as I make my peace
my life still
an unanswered call
a litany of loves
I thought
I had let go
I still see visions
of their faces
in white light
they smile
and for a moment
all is good
but it's night
and I’m alone
as my mind says yes
but my spent body says no
numbers on the face
of a clock says
three hours to dawn
but other lives stir
as if they are real