Soft Winds Gracing Shadows Dancing
Soft Wind Grace Shadows Dancing
Shadows- dancing dark mists gliding on by
Lovers in glowing moonlight breezy tryst
Held in love's romance, caring but not shy
Mysteries soon solved if they persist.
Moonlight casts shadows so epic and fleet
With loving thrills racing within the scores
Shadows- dance on, never daring to eat
Yet leap about enjoying nights outdoors.
Night's serenade- shadow's beauty flying
On sandy beaches gracing foreign shores
Love and life dear, can be no denying
Nature's night, its melody sweetly pours.
And if windy gusts reward with cool air
romantic scene gifts shadows holding more
She of his heart- glowing with raven hair
Yields to softer pleas which he may implore.
Never desired, loss of night's images fair
Lovely couple embraced shadows renewed
Each kiss offers up a dancing prayer
Shadows finding- true love we must conclude.
Shadows at Night - Poetry Contest
Sponsor- Shadow Hamilton
End Rhyming poems only
new poems please
no names
date your poem
Syllables Per Line: 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10
Total # Syllables: 200
Total # Lines: 24 (Including empty lines)