Love Poem: Solitude of a Pink Evening Sky
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Written by: Jimmy Anderson

Solitude of a Pink Evening Sky

The solitude of this cell is sometimes refreshing.
Then again sometimes it seems like an eternity.
But as the years go by and you realize what you've missed.
You think about the love you will find when you get out.

Solitude you see is not too bad most of the time.
However there are lonely moments that seem to last for eternity.
When this happens you know your lady is waiting.
Waiting to hold you in her arms and make passionate love.

I'm wondering if I will miss the solitude when I'm released.
I love the fact that I will have my freedom and my sweet love,
but solitude and peace is such a comfort in my life now.
In a year when I am released, ask me about it then.

Written for Rick Parise "The Pink Evening Sky" contest