Solomon's Song
I have found the one
my soul does love
bearing gifts from above;
My darling, my fair one,
Come away, turtle dove,
After whom I run...
I search to this end,
To find my perfect one
And my best friend,
Majestic as the stars
and moonbeams on lawn;
upon the seas my beloved
Appears like the dawn,
Whom now I hold;
I will not let go
Of my concerned lover,
Whom alone does know,
Protects my heart,
cares for me in whole;
I have found the one
Who loves my soul
With vehement flames
And coals of fire,
By whom I am roused,
For whom is my desire
Unquenched and sealed,
strong and unyielding,
undrowned and guarded
With a blazing sword weilding;
My heavenly angel
Hasted, and beheld me,
Received me, embraced me;
Though refuge failed me,
I am strong belonging,
and my beloved is mine;
the shadows all vanish...
Day break does shine
As bright as the sun
With the singing of birds;
Unique and most lovely,
Voicing sweet words,
My flawless one is
my beautiful dove;
giving gifts from above,
I am my beloved's...
I have found the one
My soul does love.