Someone Will Remember Us Even In Another Time
Someone will remember us even in another time
Broken hearts overflowing from love we left ouremotion sign
They will try to find our passion footprint left in the sands of our home
They will read our poetic story and in their minds we will forever roam
They will speak of our caring for eachother with a smile upon there face
They will try to find the essence of our tears of joy in every single space
They will try know our gentle touch from our shadows that still remain
They will be jealous of our joined souls and proudly speak our name
They will want to live in the very fabric of our kiss
They will judge themselves less fortunate spending a moment in our eternal bliss
They will always dig for our treasure but sadly will never find
They will never understand that our eternal love exists in our heart soul and mind
In there quest to learn they will realize how we left nothing but a rhyme
Someone will remember us even in another time