Something About the Month of May
Something about the month of May
Through early dawn unto the day
From dusk to night's twinkling play
Of all nature's beauty on display
The Star's own star shines on so bright
Like the sparkle in her eyes alight
I chance to catch her downcast sight
That sets me lost in love's delight
The day brings colors atop the trees
Magnificent blossoms sway in the breeze
With flaming crimson and fiery red
That fall to form a flowery bed
And upon this path together we tread
I'd pick a flower as on we walk ahead
Put it gently upon her ear to stand
Then carry on walking hand in hand
Across the petaled floral land
her presence lets the flowers look grand
Maybe it might attract some bees?
Who dance around and buzz and tease
I'd hold her tight in a protective squeeze
Even long after the creature flees
Short lived lilies bloom on the side
Blue bell creepers gape with awing pride
Pink blossoms deck the tree like a bride
All I wish is to have my angel beside
The scents tickle my senses astray
How I delve deeper each passing day
Dearest dream lets run away
When the sun streaks its final ray
When squirrels have long finished their play
The birds sing farewells melodious and gay
And the blossoms along with us shall sway!
We'll waltz till our worries wither unto nay
Silhouetted against the twilight sun's delay
The nights are as warm as your touch
The moon up high is just too much
Your smile makes the heart stop as such
The soul deep love can't loosen its clutch
Of all the beauty that graces Spring
Of all the treasures this month does bring
Of the only reason the birds could sing
Was merely me and mother nature conspiring
For setting up your dimpled smile
To listen to your soothing voice a while
As you calmly sing a nostalgic tune
Pleasant as a warm sun on a winter noon
The song softens and your eyes close soon
And a few chestnut locks lie bestrewn
Tickling my neck as you ease a place
Upon my shoulder in a dreamy daze
I look askance to catch your gaze
As I glance upon your cherubic face
To meet your loveliest eyes that steal
The words and thoughts I don't reveal
They hold me with their magical appeal
As our souls swim into love surreal
We close our eyes and like a feather
Float gently into dreams together.