Something About This Boy
There is something about this boy;
Something my grandma once said,
I would find in only one man in a million.
Something so mysterious; like difficult to understand;
Like tricky to figure out like equations of algebra.
Something about him is irresistible; actually,
It is as addictive as cocaine or opium or nicotine.
From the moment I rested my head on his chest as he hugged me,
I haven’t forgotten how his heart beat for me.
Each time I inhale air, I take in air mixed with his scent.
He has become my routine companion in my dreams,
With his face appearing like an angel’s and smiling love into my closed eyes.
I haven’t stopped listening to the echo of his voice despite his absence,
Because it is the sweet melody ringing in my ears each single second.
This boy is such a worrier that he alone sits on the throne of my heart,
And each time I relax to think, I just cannot get rid of him,
For his face is painted all over the walls of my mind,
And his name is written boldly and signed on each of the pages of my mind.
He told me that there is no single atom of blood of royalty flowing in his veins,
But I have come to discover, that it is the blood of loyalty flowing in his veins.
I think I am falling in love with this young man; except, save me and tell not my mother!
There is something about this boy;
Something that insists on telling me how he is the one I have been waiting for.
If only he could come around now, and wrap his arms around my waist,
And allow me look straight at him, with my eyes burning furiously with lust,
I wouldn’t ask him what he did to me; I would go for his lips first, and kiss them hard.
And from then on, I wouldn’t dare to let him loose, for I am afraid I might lose him.
Something unique about this boy has successfully made me to fall in love again.