Sometimes Being Alone
Sometimes being alone
Just isn’t enough
Today I went to see an old friend
Who doesn’t get around much anymore
Been a while since we last spoke
Not like the words that flowed
Were now easily heard
Sometimes the realization
That it’s been a little too long
Comes just a tad too late
Makes catching up harder
Than it needs to be
So you talk and talk
Remember all the old times
Laugh about what seems silly now
Cry about things you didn’t know
Talk about how the kids have grown
Where life took us both
Where we thought we’d go
Talk about your wedding
The days your momma and poppa passed
How the words I wrote
Helped those days get by
Now here I stand in disbelief
Wondering how fast time does fly
It’s kind of you to listen
Silently let me ramble on
But before you go I must say
Though alone we’ve spent the day
As I stand watching
You lowered into the ground
Sometimes being alone
Just isn’t enough