Sometimes Being Called Names Aint That Bad At All
When it comes to being
called other name's by
Sometimes they ain't all that
half bad at all and can even
leave one feeling rather glad
Like when i first heard the
name of someone called
Chris Ozzy
Spoken of in such glowing
terms of affection i myself
wanted and wondered why
i had never met him
Until 1 day with no 1 stood
beside or behind me Kevin
said Chris Ozzy is here
And it finally dawned on me
and i realized i was in fact
Chris Ozzy
Which Kevin named me simply
because i had a foreign not
scouse accent
And i have loved every single
day and more since because
it has a far better ring to it
than Chris S.A
And everyone still laughs to
this day when the origins of
this story is told to them
When people realize i am not Australian never actually been
nor related to anyone from
And best of latter out 1 day
whilst shopping with my
We bumped into no other
than Kevin the man himself
And once after introducing
them we parted companies
with Kevin waving my Mum
a fond farewell
Saying goodbye very nice
to meet you
Mrs Ozzy , Chris Ozzy mum
And now she laughs and
love's it just as much as i do