Love Poem: Song In Eruption

Song In Eruption

Write a letter
Write a song 
Song of love
Song of heart 
Heart compass
Heart feelings
Feelings of joy
Feelings of happiness
Happiness starts inside
Happiness floats in the air
Air whispers romance
Air sings a melody
Melody in the ears
Melody in the soul
Soul vibrates 
Soul smiles
Smiles convey moods
Smiles mean radiance
Radiance in face
Radiance in eyes
Eyes speak without words
Eyes flirt with grace
Grace in your hands
Grace in your steps
Steps light as a feather
Steps with poise
Poise in your thoughts
Poise in your actions
Actions reap triumph
Actions open the door
Door of passion
Door of gallantry
Gallantry in aroma
Gallantry in a note
Note scented with fragrance
Note written with ink
Ink flow through veins
Ink denote sighs
Sighs of sadness
Sighs of pleasure
Pleasure converted in tears
Pleasure intoxicate senses
Senses awaken lethargy 
Senses erupt as volcano
Volcano melting
Volcano eruption
Eruption breaks ice
Eruption displaces barriers 
Barriers of...

For Valentine's Blitz Poetry Contest
Sponsored by Dave Will
Fourth Place