Song of Love Songs
“Come away, my lover, and be like a gazelle or like a young stag on the spice-laden mountains.”
Refresh your treasures, through springs that flourish and endless fountains,
My heart has searched for you for hours,
To smell your skin is as though I have fallen into a garden of everlasting flowers,
With eyes that pierce the depths of my soul,
Your love has truly fashioned me whole,
Yearning to awaken our deepest desires,
Yet, cherishing the journey, before we evoke this blazing fire,
My dearest love, spotless and pure,
It is your presence that allows my spirit to sore,
Your crimson lips rest softly, while welcoming my embrace,
Like the finest rose in springtime you rejuvenate this place,
A neck no other could ever compose,
Every part of you is perfection; my love for you simply flows,
I rejoice in knowing, that just like the promise of the evening moon,
You are my darling bride and I am your humble groom.
By: Sabina Nicole