Love Poem: Song of The Agrias Butterfly No 10: ABAB
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Written by: Hilo Poet

Song of The Agrias Butterfly No 10: ABAB

The whole world down, to our floaters of love,
be the Agrias Butterfly, from South
and Central America. In awe of
their mystique hues and mid-sized, word-of-mouth
spreads 'neath tropical forest canopies,
their delicacy is rather putrid,
from decaying fruits to rotting fishy.
Their family name is the 'Brush Footed
Butterfly's, because they have four hind legs
used for walking and two short, sort of front
legs slash brushes, hairy sensory pegs
that tastes and smells. A basic tool to hunt.
Beauty accentuates hidden splendors ...
tropical Impressionist ascenders.