Love Poem: Song of the Sea
Ann Gilmour Avatar
Written by: Ann Gilmour

Song of the Sea

Sailing oceans on my clipper 
She was named the Song of the Sea
I'm her only female skipper
My name it is Rosie Marie

I love to hear the songs of whales
Sailing oceans on my clipper
Folks gather for to hear my tales 
of a humpback known as Flipper

I would hand feed him smoked kipper
As he swam alongside my ship
Sailing oceans on my clipper
Singing was his bargaining chip

Charmed and entranced by his whale song
Crisscrossing oceans with Flipper
Loving this humpback for so long
Sailing oceans on my clipper

Written 25th January 2020

Contest: Distant Refrains
Sponsor Joseph May
4th Place

Picture 3
8 syllables per line checked with:

Contest Strand  No 670
Sponsor Brian Strand