Songs of Worship
Hope soars on the wings of faith
Faith rides the tides of peace
Peace breathes the shadows of inspiration
Inspiration rains down silent satisfaction
Satisfaction stirs a whisper of joy
Joy sighs with a melody of grace
Grace reassures the most intimate prayers
Prayers arouse feelings of kindness
Kindness appeals to the reflection of light
Light abides inside the sweetest spirit
Spirit creates a song of praise
Praise brings alive hymns of excitement
Excitement in the heart welcomes His presence
His presence rekindles brilliant fires
Fires of love reveal the heart’s wonder
Wonder ignites a spiritual wisdom
Wisdom heals those heavy, anxious thoughts
Thoughts of His embrace reflect salvation
Salvation proves that God’s love is alive…
… dancing through the heart and soul…
… reminding us why we worship and adore…
Singing praises from the depths we can’t control