Love Poem: Sonnet 29 'Do I Know What It Means To Mindful Be'
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Written by: Andrew Fairchild

Sonnet 29 'Do I Know What It Means To Mindful Be'

Do I know what it means, to Mindful, be?
I think it always starts, with ‘knowing when’
To stop the pouring tea, to often see
The stones that sit on shoulders, hear the yen
For being heard…  It starts with ‘More Than Me’
And moves to ‘More Than Us’, then ‘More Than We’
Till each Life in Creation must be saved,
And every Danger unto each one, braved.
Do I yearn for the Possibility
Transcendent that looms large in every Act?
And more, do I possess Humility,
The Art to not reach out when I’m not backed
By Him Who Chooses, offers every Grace
I’ll look for Truth, and start with my own face…

February 15, 2019
Submitted for:  Mindfulness Poetry Contest
Sponsored by:  Chantelle Anne Cooke