Love Poem: Sorry -
Neil Johns Avatar
Written by: Neil Johns

Sorry -

sorry for running
when first I should master the art of walking
sorry for loving
when liking you should have been foremost
sorry for wanting
and showing little patience and understanding 
sorry for expecting
more of your time than I’m entitled to take
sorry for exhaustion
another round, another pint, another short
sorry for passion
when you’re not inclined to kiss me back
sorry for believing
this could be or could have been something 
sorry for doubting
what could have been perfect, sublime
sorry for nothing 
and everything all at the same time
sorry for missing
every point you ever tried to put across
sorry for submitting
when I should have striven to work this out
sorry for everything
that didn’t make for a perfect you and me.

3.4.2019 2.22am