Soul Less Path
Stars were bound tonight at night
But the clouds there block moon’s sight
Absence of moon, means the night is dark
It is the moon that brings up sparks
The day was same today, with smiling sun
Laughter and jokes all around me, a bit of fun
But missed something I really did
Charm ness in life I really need
Time’s moving fast but me I’m slow
Smaller the feet moves long way to go
Yes long to go, long way, my life
But the misery of this poor guy is at its hype
Head id ready to burst, eyes start to cry
Life’s a big mess, but still no reason to die
Die in life is for coward, oh yes they are
I’ll rather be alone, before reaching that far
Hard to know it is, hard show
Heart asks eyes, oh tears let them flow
Mind is so thought full these days
Not a single soul passing through my ways