Soul Mates
We've met somewhere before
I felt it the minute I opened the door
Knowing you all the while
Looking at that familiar smile
Our souls met so very long ago
Way back when the wind didn't blow
So hard against the crowded mind
The waves of scents familiar and kind
Into these eyes you can see
Much deeper than the surface of thee
Once we touced so long ago
Our love at one time did flow
Flesh of your flesh. Bone of your bone
For so long have you been left alone
Searching. Searching oh so hard
For completion and that missing part
Renewal is just around the bend
If only to see you remember again
Remember oh sleeping love of mine
It has been such a very long time
But how can you forget the kiss
Or the last verses upon these lips
We so believed it to be true
Way back when we sang the tune
Said the words and jumped the gate
After knowing now it's much too late
You already remember me my love
I heard you praying to the God's above
So I was sent to you by the spirit world
A virtuous woman who hides the little girl
Hardened by all the time waiting in vain
To be held in loving arms once again
And now in this strange place and time
We both can hear that familiar rhyme
Oh what beauty awaits us my love
When we forget the pain and remember the trust
Only when we can both just let it be
Will we each at last truly be free
For the very last time we must jump over the gate
And remember me - I am your soul mate