Soul of Couple
Love ensures splendid goal
Love always purifies our soul
Soul is inviolate
Soul perfumes best
Best friends join your race
Best practice is seed of success
Success brings pleasure
Success we need ever
Ever you smile best for me
Ever my heart jump with glee
Glee I harvest from your lips
Glee, that makes me fine & fit
Fit me within your eyes
Fit to scan all lies
Lie is ever white
Lie always invites dark night
Night is for dreaming at rest
Night I ever erase from your heart
Heart I select for me
Heart, that works as my key
Key to success, we need
Key should lock our greed
Greed invites failure
Greed, we should kill before it enters
Enter me with soft silky covet
Enter to sanctify our nest
Nest that I build for you
Nest i.e beautiful like spring's hue
Hue you ever housed in your thought
Hue, that I always ready to paint
Paint with your lips freezing my cheeks with palm
Paint me, fixing tight with your arm
Arm you need to ensure your safety
Arm that I have, never compromise duty
Duty is god, you know very well
Duty, if we neglect, it will ring our bell
Bell always rings before tongue slipping
Bell we need to strengthen our coupling
Coupling you made so tight & strong
Coupling that ever smiles for a long
Long long ago, I dreamed for a queen
Long live our love, transparent like rain
Rain like tear I hate ever
Rain in winter we need never
Never choose drumstick tree to fix our dangle
Never try to frail our well bonded couple
Couple always sleep within heavenly lap
Couple that we made to add success in our cap
Cap my head with your chilled ice palm
Lap me please.... after forming a single soul within four arms.