Soul of Events
I started to catch free from my intuition.
I set truth well behind unfurled.
Where all you wished for was recognition.
I disconnect and hide from the world.
To ever be my only escape from reality.
I have multiple nameless emotions.
And I live the lifestyle I desire genuinely.
Or the risk of being observed in actions.
The feeling of affection and intense devotion.
Along with the warrior's dreams and wishes.
The beloved of the light flesh pain condition.
I felt inside terms filled with agony and hisses.
Then I whispered it all to myself, quietly.
With the desire to feel the chords of his soul.
He was able to compose this romantic sobriety.
How can I live without him, my unique goal?
He was unsure of the backward experiences of his past.
Now hold on back to your real own truth to say it.
Seriously, how cute a dream that won't last.
I have not yet met that divine virtue and fit.