Soul Sisters
Such an Amazing girl god put into my life.
He knew i needed you at that exact time
Funny when we met I thought you were to good for me
But when you approached me the sweetest girl I did meet.
From that day on we have never truly been apart cause I
carry you around everywhere in my heart. You have been the
rock when I needed a friend around, you have been the light
when the darkness consumed me and took away my sunshine
Even when were miles apart the phone connects us and keeps
our strongest bond. 17 years feels like such a short time but
I feel I have always had you in my life. Soul Sisters we were
meant to be.. You my beloved friend are such a fresh breeze
Even after a year apart it was like yesterday that we did part
so through the many miles and through the long hard road
I know this friendship will always survive. Your a burst of joy
to me each day I thank the Lord for the sweet blessing he gave!
BY:Christina McCullouch