Soul Stone
Moment after moment
Time drained into the void
The water waned dry
As drought vehemently annoyed
The juxtaposition of the River
Sliced reason to bleed
Garments of value
Snagged on a broken reed
Space between sorrow and suffering
Are plinks of relief away
Never lasting to create
False safety in a glorious day
FLAT...FLAT...Freakin' fat
Every dream, every vision
Lies on this drained River bed
Every hope, every promise
Are resources, unattainable, natural
...but, I'm lead
A stone, bright, baffled, like earth
Lying in the red, clay, silt
I gather my tools about the jewel
Digging, lifting, seeing what LOVE built me
Written by Trudy Schrader on 08-21-2022