Souls of Life's Storms Disappear--Behold Eternity
Dark Clouds Roll-in
Born on this Earth
Within All carrying sin
Thunder Rolls
Twisting Winds--Tornado's
Storms within Our Lives
Times.. Divine Love Changes..
-Through Our Savior Jesus Christ
Tears of Rain-drops fall.. Forgiveness-for all
Holy Spirit Pouring out.. within Souls..
Born-again.. Redeemed whole
Jesus Comes
As Lighting Strikes
Loves' Everlasting Christ
Across the Sky
Souls of Spirits Fly
Morning in Glory..
Divine Magnificent Light
Glorious Love.. Eternity
With Jesus Christ
Come to Christ
Receive Everlasting Life
Prepare Your way for Time
Until Souls.. Life's Storms disappear
Soon.. Jesus Returns
For Souls-Born-again .. whom yearn
Twinkle of Eye.. Colors of Souls
Twlights.. Divine Love.. Beholds
Eternity Of Everlasting Love Glorifies