Soup For Dinner (Dedicated To My Fellow Soupers)
Hi My name is Jay Timmons
I resently sgined up to Poetry Soup a week ago.
Even though I have hunderds of poems sitting at home, I have
only posted three so far.To make a long story short I feel welcomed to
the up mosted welcome-est (lol) Thank you to the wonderful poets who
left the nice and heart-felt comments in my comment inbox.
I don't know if im going to get in trouble for naming names but
Thank You Scarlett Williams,
Thank You The Sweetheart of P.S.,
Thank You Carol Brown,
Thank You David Smalling
and Thank You Sara Kendrick,
I really appreciate the love.This is the home of
"if you don't have nothing nice to say, then don't say anything."
It's all love at the Soup. Even though I've been writting for years,
I feel like the new guy at the company dinner, overwhelmed by the
talent here, like a kid in a candy store.
I Love Poetry, and i'm glad i found this site.
Thanks again.
i tried finding you guys on facbook ;-)
is that illegal? LoL