"soup's Greatest"
(Internal rhymes and also end rhymes)
P.oetry at it’s best, always meets God's test,
O.ften times is best , as minds remain at rest,
E.ntries fair and galore, poems of heart’s explore,
T.riumphing mind‘s gore, as hearts begin to score,
R.eversing strife’s trends, poetry honors friends,
Y.es here poetry is penned, inspired as heart lends,
S.top in and shop around, a good friend can be found,
O.pen your heart’s gown, and good friends will abound,
U.nadulterated troops, are not reincarnated snoops,
P.oetry Soup‘s love troops, never dupe one's great scoops !!
Poetry Picture of Poetry Soup
In Honor of: Adeleke Adeite