Love Poem: Soupster Symphony
Frank Mashina Avatar
Written by: Frank Mashina

Soupster Symphony

In the quiet of my restless nights,
My poems waited, hidden from the lights,
Each word, a piece of my heart,
But where to start?
The struggle felt like endless fights.

Burdened and lost, I wandered in doubt,
Searching for a place to let my soul shout,
On a fateful day,
In a serendipitous way,
I typed “Free entry Poetry Contests” and found my route.

PoetrySoup appeared, a comforting glow,
A haven where my deepest feelings could flow,
With its gentle embrace,
I found my space,
Where my words could finally grow.

Among the poets, writers, and dreamers so kind,
I met souls who helped me unwind,
Their stories, their art,
Touched my heart,
And guided me through every bind.

Struggling daily, with dreams tight and near,
I hope for a chance to hold something dear,
A win in a contest, a spark of grace,
To afford a premium place,
To elevate my words, and conquer my fear.

This poem is my heart, laid bare for you,
To the Soupsters who’ve seen me through,
Thank you for your warmth and light,
For helping me through the night,
I hope you’re healthy, happy, and your dreams come true.