Spare a Penny For Your Thoughts
If I could share my thoughts with you, you may wonder
what I would say or do, but I will express my feelings and
thoughts to you, the way I know best.
It is my way of dealing with issues in life by expressing myself
through verse as it releases the emotions either painful or joyful
and it is very satisfying and brings relief to a stricken heart filled
with grief.
It helps me to cope when there seems no hope and helps me feel
in control of my heart, mind and soul.
I could write for days, sharing thoughts,feelings, fears, but all
I wish to share is my gratitude for having such an amazing,
positive attitude when I was low, you showed me the way to go.
You held me high to stop the tears I cry, you touched me with tenderness
when I need a human touch and my heart felt that very much.
You showed me how to be happy when I was sad, you made me feel
better when times were bad, you comforted me through dark days and
was always there to show love and affection which really showed you
cared beyond belief and this brought a special kind of relief to my soul
when in my life I was full of pain and grief and you made my broken
crushed heart whole.