Sparrows Outside the Door
You say hello in passing
and I come as promised
again and again, this poem
written with lines unsaid
sparrows gathered
outside the restaurant door
chattering among themselves
a December borne
the day fading, sky bleeding red.
We talk about seasons
brushing hands, and you say
the chicken tacos are good.
The patron next to me cheers
to the touchdown scored,
and a couple sits shoulder-to-shoulder
taking turns at a video game
while I look at you linger
growing more beautiful each day.
Yearning for the way to tell you more
I look for the right words
and as you walk back to the kitchen
we “high five” and smile.
The word friend’s not enough;
we've shared lives for two years
coming to each other in times of need.
Lights in the restaurant cast a neon glow
but I know somewhere stars explode.
Outside thick flakes drift and fall
and the parking lot glistens like a dream.
I linger for another moment, stay inside
where it’s warm, and look at your face.
You say, “See You next time, okay?”
Promises implied long for more.