I was born here; here on earth
to a species, in a sack of water, I was born here.
On earth, connected to all the water on earth
All the water is connected to various species;
Where I came from is my source.
Always, I will be connected to my source.
All species are connected to their kind.
All the water is connected.
All the trees are connected.
Every spore is networking with like spores,
Every human cell is speaking the
the language that human cells speak.
Every windstorm begets every breeze,
every hurricane has a direct path.
All humans that love,
are connected by that love.
love too has its course.
Also, are those who are
bound together by hate.
Those hateful ones, full of hate;
Want to send me out of my way,
want to give me a reason, and have, yet
I cannot hate just for the sake of it.!
I think straight
First law -Self-preservation,
the first goal, the mind must not be
in reactionary mode.
The hateful, also have a provider;
A provider who gives them
an abundance
of things of which to hate.
There are lots of people and situations
on which to exercise their hatred.
As they are born or learn-ed haters,
they know not love.
They hate love, unfamiliar to
their DNA.
Hatred drags them along like
a donkey pulling a cart.
Becoming as one with hate is the start'
Being the same as one.
They are the same.
“doing the same thing”.
Until given a new bone,
on which to chew.
One may seem as many, yet
They are really” '' many of one of a kind”.
I am of this earth, I am of this water,
I am of these trees. I am of this soil.
I am a product of the many lovers
Who has transcended before me?
I am love. I am evidence of my source.
I, who have the least earthly goods,
am loved by the many.
As the clouds are to the sky
… you wonder…
Who is she? that is so truly loved?
And loves so truly?
I am true love, for love's sake.
Love for me comes naturally,
I am connected to many lovers
My kind and I, could never truly
hate, without a reason to really try.!