Love Poem: speechless -

speechless -

 - breath blushes blue between us ...

you ask the question
THAT question
so, you're requesting rationality, lucidity
when you stand before me dressed in pure starlight
ONLY starlight, with moon drops in your eyes
splashing your coy smile like rare south sea pearls
damp from our cool evening swim, you shiver
dancing drops of dazzling diamond dew
shimmer like dermal constellations
turning your sublime surfaces into an ocean of sprites -
haute couture by the Cosmos
precious few and precious, times like these
when those definitions of love made in youth -
those confusing impulses of the emotional and physical
swirl and spin and wrap me like fleece
passion, desire, beauty … and love
spun together like soft cotton candy -
sweet and sticky and warm on the lips
melting together with THAT question, THAT concern
but what IS true? what defines "reality"?
what will last beyond this intense need to have you
to know you, taste you, every tender centimeter
every curvaceous, sublime, secret spot?
you stand there, perfectly imperfect, pert and saucy
form covered in tiny bumps of enticing invitation
your body’s braille, pleading
steam rising into the cool evening air
like a sigh from your skin
waiting for my answer - my affirmation
but I am mute ...
entranced ...
numb …

 - I will let my body … speak.

~ 2nd Place ~  in the "Splash" Poetry Contest, Kai Michael Neumann, Judge & Sponsor.

~ 4th Place ~  in the "2019 Poetry Marathon Mile 24" Poetry Contest, Mark Toney, Judge & Sponsor.

~ 2nd Place ~  in the "Screwed XVIII" Poetry Contest, Rob Carmack, Judge & Sponsor. (No cliche's via PS Cliche Finder).

~ 10th Place ~  in the "Best Free Verse In April - Not For A Contest" Poetry Contest, Laura Loo, Judge & Sponsor.