Splattered's, Seven Year Anniversary
"Casting down imaginations...." ~ II Cor. Ch. 10 ~
Oh, how you splinter me....
Looking through your looking glass
Portraits of your present and, images of your past!?
You say you see; you say you know; you say you do
But really, you don't....
You sprinkle your sugar; you sputter your spatter
For all of those as yourself, to whom
It doesn't even matter?!
Wrapped in your paper, and wrapped in your chatter....
These monuments and pyramids, of yourself
Absorbing, "Splatter"
Your purposeless and pointless, pitter patter!?
Your lines they are divine; your words, they are immense
Yet unto me, they do all seem, void, and teetering
Upon the pretense....
Standing in front of you now; staring into your eyes
You tell me that you do, but, I do wonder why?!
Peering through your window; looking through your glass
Your visions for tomorrow; should your yesterdays
They pass....