Love Poem: Split
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Written by: Taylor Jenkins


There once lived a Prince who wandered for love. He searched a long time and thought it would never become. But 
then one day he met a Princess. A fair young lady in pretty yellow dress. He was excited, enthralled with this 
wonderful discovery. As she was engulfed with this wonderful feeling. They both cared for eachother very much. It 
didn't take long, but it only took one touch. And he took her hand in an awful twist of fate, as everything in her life 
changed. Even her mental state. The sky was beautiful. The sun was even more bright. Everything was more vivid in 
the moonlight. But little did she know that this would soon ruin her pretty life. It would cut her to bits, a sharp sweet 
knife. A short time passed and the lovers became more interested in eachother. But then one day a mistress from 
the dear Princes past came around and ruined things fast. She had broken his heart and stepped on his feelings. Like 
they were nothing and there was no meaning. He had been torn by this dark temptress a million times to many. But 
feelings he knew he couldn't promise that there wasn't still any. He was split between the two. As everthing began to 
turn blue. A Fair Princess with a caring heart? Or a dark Mistress who's demeanor is to rip him apart? The Princess 
sits in silence. Not a word to be spoken. This has changed everything and left her so broken. Now she cries alone 
waiting for the words she knows are coming, words that she hates. As she looks into the future thinking about what 
will become of this awful fate...