Split Personality
As the heat burns slow your love will flow.
Cause where there is love there is life and that you you should know.
Yeah I know it's a known fact that love brings life.
But why do I have to walk with a knife.
Damn I'm so far gone I can take my own life.
Please just listen to your heart.
But this world is tearing me apart.
Trust me all you have to is believe in yourself.
But how can i do that when I'm staring at death.
That's why I can't go home because I want to get wet.
Because as the heat burns slow I'm losing control of my soul.
And it's because of this world that I'm losing my artistic goals.
I know that you feel that this world is taking your soul.
But you can't let it control because with each breathe,
That you take you heart is getting cold.
Some-one please help me because I can't control it anymore.
Than please let me show you where to go.
I said that I'm not going home so leave me alone.
But I can't do that because what you feel I feel remember I'm your clone.
Why can't you see that you can't help me so let me be.
I can't do that trust and I will set you free.
So believe in me and I will show you the light.
And if you believe in me I'll show you a world where the star shine bright.
Stop playing with my head because I know that world don't exist.
I can help you escape your dark mist
But this world made this way so let me leave it.
I can help you and teach you how to confront it.
You can't help me don't you see how far I fell.
But there's a better place than this no matter how far you fell.
Yeah It's called heaven but I'll see you in HELL.
Sucide is definitely not the way.
HUH 1-2-3 AMEN