Love Poem: Split Wide Open
Vijay Pandit Avatar
Written by: Vijay Pandit

Split Wide Open

A chance encounter soon turned to love
Blossoming alike a flowering spring
That undulates moods of prairies green
Oscillating rhythms of tender winds
Amid trees-abloom, swaying revelry
And streams rushing to greet the sea.

They were blessed to find each other
Having just exited from a harsh winter
Of failed marriages and lovelorn yore
That gelid memories still fetch to fore
Even when ruminating of sunny shores.

Yet, they found love, resonating true
In lure of romance where passions woo
Growing with phases of waxing moon
Eager to find the words to their song
And vows of forever that last lifelong.

Alas! their journey faced fierce storms
When candles of love flickered in hearts
And blooms of today withered in past
As perturbed souls began drifting apart
Igniting a brawl between then and now.

The waxing moon soon started to wane
When gelid winter raised its ugly head,
And the thawed landscape froze again,
As welcome ceded, goodbyes reigned,
And wounds split-open ached of pain;

For love-song never found its rhythm
And tale of two-souls remained unwritten
As laments decried the split wide-open.

June 21, 2022
Placed 1st: This or That, Vol 12 Poetry Contest
Sponsor: Edward Ibeh
Title chosen: Split Wide Open