He’s spoiled me
In ways I can’t describe
He silences the wind
So I can breathe the quiet
He whispers grace to my soul
So that I can be made whole
He lifts my spirit to new dreams
So I can know He’s not make believe
He’s spoiled me
In ways I can’t define
He leads me through the pain
So I can become joyful again
He brings me away from the sorrow
So I know, with Him, I can face tomorrow
He destroys all my fears and tears
So I’m sure He is with me through the years
He’s spoiled me
In ways I can’t decide
He’s assured me that I’m forgiven
So I can believe and go on living
He’s restored my heart and mind
So I never have to doubt His design
He’s revealed the joy of His Son, His grace
So I don’t know the doubts that dim my faith
He’s spoiled me
In ways I can’t possibly hide
He’s filled my soul with wonder
So I never need to wander
He’s let me know I’m His child
So I never need distrust His insights
He’s taught me the meaning of life
So that love is what gives me my light
He’s spoiled me
In ways that I can hardly believe
He’s stirred up feelings within me
So that I never need feel lost or alone
He’s welcomed me into His presence
So I have a friend I can always call on
He’s erases all my worries and confusion
So that a smile has replaced the frown I once wore
He’s spoiled me
In ways that I can’t express
He’s given me the best gifts of the spirit
So that I never need feel like I’m without Him
He’s torn away all the suspicions I knew
So that I know what it is to believe and be true
He’s given me a life that I can truly appreciate
So that when I pray, I’ll thank Him night and day
He’s spoiled me
In ways I can’t distinguish
He’s taught me that love is the reason
So that I never feel like I don’t know Him
He’s reassured me that I can come as I am
So I never need feel like I’m despised by this Prince
He’s amazed and elated – I’m so grateful for His light
So I won’t know the darkness that skeptics must sense
He’s spoiled me
In ways I can’t justify
So that when I see something beautiful
He’s the One I hope to share my smile with
So that when I remember the joy, the hope
He’s the reason that I can say I sincerely believe
So that there is more to life than the material possessions
He’s given me hope, love and peace, His best blessings
Yes! He’s spoiled me and I will always believe
I know what love is because of the love that He showed
Me when He saved me from those sins that sought
To bring me a hopelessness that would eventually destroy
Thanks to this Jesus I met – I am spoiled like I’ve never been
With a love that has no end – a love that gave me a best friend
A love that is mine, without end… Jesus is my eternal promise
He is the maker of my dreams, the fullness in my heart – He is the KING!